Dr. Hochstrate Maschinenbau ®
Umformtechnologien GmbH
Wullener Feld 77a
58454 Witten
Tel.: +49 (0)2302 / 7 80 70 10
Fax: +49 (0)2302 / 7 80 70 11
Extensive standard equipment
- Hydraulic operation of upper beam and bending beam
- Upper beam has 45° face angle
- Changeable tools for upper, bending and lower beam
- Hydraulic oil included
- Electronic positioning of bending beam
- Control panel features:
» Digital display of bending angle
» Incremental control of bending angle
» Independent controls for operating upper and bending beam
» Switch for manual or automatic operation - Siemens PLC-Control
- Foot-actuated switch for both manual and automatic operation
- CE-certification
- Upper beam safety stop at 25 mm clearance